Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cheers to Health

April is approaching and soon summer will be upon us. This means bikini season ladies! If you are like me some toning and fitness are on the mind. I have always been one for the quick fix. What is the latest diet fad or exercise that will give me those abs... and fast! What I have come to realize is that fitness and being healthy is a lifestyle.
I never understood that abs were made in the kitchen and not in the gym. It is not all about what comes out of the body like sweat after one hell of a workout, but also the food that fuels the body. After all the research in the world (mainly Pinterest) I have discovered some steps shown below to help shape up and create a healthier lifestyle.


1. Smart Start: as soon as you wake up, have one cup of lemon water. The Vitamin C gets the metabolism going and kick starts the day. In addition to this drink a lot, a lot, and a lot of water throughout the day. This will keep you hydrated and the cravings to a minimum.

2. Eat Color: This means fruits and veggies ladies! The more eaten the better nutrients and vitamins you are using to fuel your body. This will result in feeling fuller longer with great benefits for the body.

3. Snack: Eat small meals throughout the day. Listen to your body. It is more beneficial to eat when hungry. Take snacks with you like raw almonds, a smoothie, or bran based foods to fill you up and keep the metabolism working.

4. Get enough Zs: This step cannot be emphasized enough. Besides food there isn't better energy for your body than enough sleep. Make sure the sleep is of quality without interruptions.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


For all of you dolls lucky enough to vacation to some other country this spring break or road trip to the coast for some sun and sand, what I wouldn't give to be in your shoes (hopefully adorable strapped sandals or even better none at all)! I will be venturing home for some much needed relaxation and time with my family.
While home I cannot wait to catch up on all my favorite TV series, books I have been dying read, and do some retail therapy. Also on the top of my list are do-it-yourself crafts I have been dying to try.
Some of my Pinterest favorites below like no-sew tshirts and decorative bottles are definitely easy and cute enough for me to accomplish.
Challenge accepted in order to fulfill my quota for bottles needed!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Emerald City

The color of 2013: Emerald Green
You no longer have to be a fiery red head to adorn this beautiful gem tone. The color of the year couldn't come at a more perfect time with St. Patrick's Day right around the corner. But this fun filled weekend shouldn't be the only time to rock such a fabulous color! Integrate emerald into your everyday wardrobe. Tips on how to are shown above.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Tick Tock

Daylight savings time starts this weekend! Tomorrow in fact. I know losing an hour of sleep is not ideal, especially it seems as my never ending checklists keep getting longer. But what a better reminder that spring is almost here. Soon the sun will shine and the snow will melt, enough for the flowers to bloom. I definitely am willing to give up sleep for that!
So remember to set your clocks, watches and car radios one hour ahead tomorrow with the anticipation of spring knocking at our door.
If warm, sunny weather is not enough to get you in the mood for spring, spring ahead with a look at some adorable watches for spring! My personal favorites below from the Kate Spade and Betsey Johnson collections.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Spring Fever

As the temperature slowly begins to warm and winter is left behind with no remorse, I cannot stop thinking about spring! Anxious and antsy do not even begin to describe my feelings; a full fledged spring fever is underway.
The only cure for this exciting time is daydreaming about spring fashions. The patterns, colors and accessories that my favorite time of year has to offer, are unmatched! Gypsy frocks and preppy attire, this versatile time is perfect for mixing and matching styles.
For those of you lucky enough to soak up the sun this spring break or even those of you stuck daydreaming about the sun and sand, the below pictures will get you inspired. Here are two must-haves I will be adding to my wardrobe this spring.

Mirrored Sunglasses
Sunglasses are an essential and these fun sunglasses come in a variety of shapes, colors, and patterns.
The bigger the better in my opinion. This spring I will be sporting the largest most colorful pair that can be purchased!
My favorite accessory color. Unmatched by any other, turquoise warms and brightens any look.
Add to a plain outfit for a pop of color or wear head to toe, this hue is a standard.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Manic Monday

Welcoming Mondays are hard, this one in particular. After an amazingly hectic weekend full of road trips and adventure, the start of a new week is last thing on my mind. Since there cannot be an added day of rest in between Sunday and Monday, my go to survival for the day? Coffee.
Once the caffeine starts flowing, stresses of the day are a little easier to handle.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

And The Award Goes To...

Miss Rowland.

There are not even words for the beauty Kelly Rowland possesses.
She has come a long way from her days in all denim and camo, matching with the fierce Beyonce and fiery Michelle.
This 2013 awards season she stepped out like never seen before.
The transformation Kelly Rowland has gone through is obvious. She is truly an inspirational and beautiful woman, with confidence and a style that will be emulated. No one would dare deny the confident sexiness, but still classy, beauty of this best dressed woman.

Other amazingly stylish women this season?
Check out Alba, Lopez, and Rihanna below.