April is approaching and soon summer will be upon us. This means bikini season ladies! If you are like me some toning and fitness are on the mind. I have always been one for the quick fix. What is the latest diet fad or exercise that will give me those abs... and fast! What I have come to realize is that fitness and being healthy is a lifestyle.
I never understood that abs were made in the kitchen and not in the gym. It is not all about what comes out of the body like sweat after one hell of a workout, but also the food that fuels the body. After all the research in the world (mainly Pinterest) I have discovered some steps shown below to help shape up and create a healthier lifestyle.
1. Smart Start: as soon as you wake up, have one cup of lemon water. The Vitamin C gets the metabolism going and kick starts the day. In addition to this drink a lot, a lot, and a lot of water throughout the day. This will keep you hydrated and the cravings to a minimum.
2. Eat Color: This means fruits and veggies ladies! The more eaten the better nutrients and vitamins you are using to fuel your body. This will result in feeling fuller longer with great benefits for the body.
3. Snack: Eat small meals throughout the day. Listen to your body. It is more beneficial to eat when hungry. Take snacks with you like raw almonds, a smoothie, or bran based foods to fill you up and keep the metabolism working.
4. Get enough Zs: This step cannot be emphasized enough. Besides food there isn't better energy for your body than enough sleep. Make sure the sleep is of quality without interruptions.